Monday, September 25, 2006

The Woodell Principle SUX! - 01-17-2006

Man, I really wish God would let me in on his plans. It is really annoying when he doesn’t. At this point I’m feeling rather frustrated.

Let me start by explaining what the Woodell Principle is, then I can give light to my frustration. About 2 years ago (give or take a few months) our church was in the search process for a worship pastor. It was a long process, and finally we had two candidates. These two came and interviewed for the position. In my opinion one of the candidates stood out above the other. His name was Steven Woodell. As a church we voted on offering the position to him and we were excited to have him come aboard. Yet, Steven decided to take on a position at another church, and so we were back to square one. Actually it wasn’t square one because Steven had helped our congregation have a better understanding of the type of person that we wanted for this position. It was only a few months later that we interviewed Good Ole Dave Yarger, the one God had designed for this position.

I will admit during that stretch after Woodell turned us down I was also frustrated. Why would God make something seem so clear, and then take it away? What could he be thinking? What would be the logic behind that. But looking back, we could see that God was preparing our church for brining us Yarger, (as well as preparing Dave for coming to us).

Well, we are back in that frustrating period again. Our church has been meeting in a School for it’s worship services for several years (before even I began here) and we have come to realize that it is time to move out of that space. That is when Faith Baptist Church came up. Here was a church that seemed at first willing to let us share space for a considerably less amount then what we are spending now. It looked like a great opportunity. A few months later and it looks like it is falling through. Many of the ideas and plans that I wanted to do, seems to be falling to the ground. Crash, bang boom!

Why? Why did we go through this 3 month process of it looking like it will work, to now where it all seems to be falling apart around us. Man, I am really frustrated. I really wish God would let me know what he’s doing. I wish that things would just move in the directions that I want it too, because I know what would work. But that’s not the case. God does know, and he will reveal his plans in his time. But, man, I wish he would just show me how things will unfold. I somewhere know that it will all work out for the good. God has used this experience to help shake up our church, but I don’t know what the end result (the Yarger, so to say) is. I want to scream, I want to yell, I want to give up and say forget it, but I don’t. I press on towards to goal. God has a plan, he reveals it in his time.

I don’t know how people like Abraham did it. Waiting 25 years for the answer to God’s promise. He tried another way, but God showed him that it wasn’t right. I guess Haggar was his Woodell.

God, help me. Give me peace and understanding. Help me to trust in your ways. Calm my frustration and give me peace about the future.


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